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Bacteria in the gut

Bacteria in your gut


Many of us have heard the term probiotic, but what does it mean?  Probiotics are small organisms that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (micro flora) in the intestines.  The normal human digestive tract contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. The largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria, of which Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in yogurt with live cultures, is the best known. Yeast is also a probiotic substance. Probiotics are also available as supplements.

It has been suggested that probiotics be used to treat problems in the stomach and intestines. But only certain types of bacteria or yeast (called strains) have been shown to work in the digestive tract. It still needs to be proved which probiotics (alone or in combination) work to treat diseases. The strains of probiotics that have been proved to work for a specific disease are not widely available.

What are probiotics used for?

Many people use probiotics to prevent diarrhea, gas, and cramping caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics kill “good” (beneficial) bacteria along with the bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in beneficial bacteria may lead to digestive problems. Taking probiotics may help replace the lost beneficial bacteria. This can help prevent diarrhea.

A decrease in beneficial bacteria may also lead to other infections, such as vaginal yeast and urinary tract infections and symptoms such as diarrhea from intestinal illnesses.


A hearty, delicious, nutritionally packed soup for cold weather.

Butternut and Red Lentil Soup

We had so much fun at our last cooking class! Here are few comments about the class.
I had so much fun Nina, and learned so much…especially about coconut oil. Can’t wait for the next one!
Heidi Fischer
I have been to both of Nina’s Happy Hour Cooking Classes and learn so much each time! The food is always delicious! Candace Bixler

What fun we had at the Wise Women’s Retreat, Ignite Your Light was held June 9th!
It was a day of meeting new women from around the state, learning and eating some great food!
I teamed up with Candace Bixler, Leadership Impact Life Coach, and MariJo Harding, Financial Coach.
For some time now I have wanted to bring these three areas of health, financial and life coaching together in one cohesive experience.
The day flowed well. Starting at 10 am we had a common gathering where we had a chance to visit and meet
each other. Throughout the day the women went to break out sessions in smaller groups and rotated between the three classes.
I prepared  a spread of organic, local fare such as gazpacho, and kale/avocado salad and quinoa with roasted vegetables.  All were delicious, nutritious and gluten free!
If you weren’t able to make it, we will keep you posted about our next retreat in the area!

Two of the participants had this to say:                                                                 

Karla Johanning : “I learned some valuable tools today.”

Glenda Roselle : “The entire day was fun and inspiring!”


Have you seen the revamped “Healthy Plate”?  I admit it is better than the old food pyramid , but still far from what I would call healthy.

First of all, at least half the plate should be vegetables.  Fruit should be eaten by itself, not with the meal.  The reason for that is because the sugars break down quickly when digested and interfere with digestion of other food.  Fruit is often best in the morning or as a stand alone snack.


Contrary to popular belief, I believe that grains should be eaten in moderation because they are an acid producing food, that contribute to inflammation in the body.  If they are consumed, then certainly unrefined, whole grains such as brown rice, millet or quinoa are good choices.  In fact quinoa is actually a seed, not a grain, and it is a complete protein!

When it comes to protein there are many great choices that are not animal based such as tempeh, avocado, nut butters, and many vegetables have some protein.  If you are eating animal protein please try to eat grass fed beef, free range organic chicken, and choose fish that is not endangered or heavily laden with mercury such as fresh Atlantic salmon or fresh water trout.  Try to avoid all meat and fish that is farm raised as they have been raised on grain, and often there is the possibility of contamination from living conditions.  Farm raised meats are also full of hormones and antibiotics.  If you are gluten intolerant like me this is an important thing to know!


Most of us were raised with the “meat and potato” mentality right?  Maybe you are still eating this way.  The problem with combining a starch and a protein in the same meal is that it takes different enzymes to digest  them. So if you must have that baked potato…try to eat it by itself without the steak.  Instead have your protein with a large salad chocked full of veges and your digestive system will thank you!  Below is an example of a healthy well combined meal.

a whole food meal with no animal protein, quinoa is a complete protein

quinoa sweet potato and green


Trash your fosamex and boniva!

digram of bone loss

Though doctors and patients have been led to believe that these medications strengthen your bones, this recent study from Columbia University shows  that in fact they create more problems. The study confirmed the long-term dangers of bisphosphonate use. The most common ones are Boniva , Fosamax, and Reclast.  Researchers found these drugs do improve the integrity of bones – but only in the short term. They found that the longer you take these drugs, the more brittle your bones.

A second study compared the bones of women who took bisphosphonates with women who didn’t take these drugs. Both groups had bones that appeared to have the same structure. But the bones of women on bisphosphonates weren’t as strong as those who didn’t take them. While bisphosphonates will increase bone density and make bones look strong, researchers in both of these studies believe that bisphosphonates interfere with the body’s natural process of building healthy bone. So instead of curing your osteoporosis, they make it worse.

So what are we supposed to do?  I was diagnosed with osteopenia a few years ago.  I knew I had to change some things in my diet so that I would not only ingest more calcium rich foods, but absorb the calcium in them.

I started taking 4000 to 8000 IU’s of liquid Vitamin D daily.  I also upped my intake of calcium rich foods such as cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens.  Contrary to old belief, milk is not a good source of absorb-able calcium.  Yogurt, such as greek yogurt and kefir (without the sugar), are better sources because they are full of probiotics.

If you are not a vegetarian then I suggest cooking whole organic chickens and using the broth for other dishes.  It is rich in calcium.  If you enjoy fish, take a walk on the wild side and try sardines or anchovies!  The bones are a great source of bone strengthening goodies.

In addition to greens, vegetarians can enjoy calcium rich food such as okra,  almonds and tahini (sesame seed butter).

These days I have no osteopenia.  I do not, nor have I ever taken calcium supplements, and my levels are in the very healthy range.

Oh, and by the way, black coffee leaches calcium from your bones.  So if you drink coffee put a little something in it to cut the acidity.  Better yet…drink green or tulsi tea.


B-vitamins (brown rice, chicken, corn ,eggs, green leafs, legumes, meat, nuts, peas, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast),
Calcium (almonds, brewer’s yeast, green leafs and cruciferous vegetables, fish with bones, sesame seeds, tofu)

Magnesium (green leafs, brown rice, sesame seeds, shrimp, salmon), Tryptophan (turkey, soy foods, peanuts, almonds).

Essential fatty acids necessary for serotonin production are the omega 3’s (fish oils found in mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna; walnut oil, flax oil) and 6’s (canola oil, chicken, eggs, flax, grape seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, turkey, wheat germ oil) as well as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (black current oil, bluegreen algae, borage oil, evening primrose oil).

Finding ways to manage stress is necessary as long-term stress depletes serotonin levels. Short term stress actually increases serotonin, but after time you get burn-out and it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to produce serotonin.

Avoid stimulants because they deplete serotonin over time. Things like caffeine, refined carbohydrates, chocolate, sugar as well as the heavier stimulants like cold remedies, alcohol, street drugs, diet pills and tobacco should be limited or avoided all together.

Serotonin is made from the amino acid, tryptophan. It is converted to melatonin in the pineal gland. Tryptophan, derived from food, is transported to the brain to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. At the appropriate place inside a brain cell, two enzymes and vitamin B6 transform tryptophan to serotonin. Serotonin is then transferred to the sending end of the neuron where it is used as a molecular messenger to carry information across the synapse to the receiving neuron. …

Serotonin production is sensitive to the supply of tryptophan in the diet. The effects of serotonin were first observed in the digestive tract where it causes contractions of the smooth muscle. In fact,as mentioned above, the largest amount of serotonin is found in the gut. Serotonin is released from blood platelets and elevates blood pressure. Its circuits arise from the brain stem arousal complex and reach into all areas of the brain. Increased serotonin circuit activity tends to activate abnormal behaviors. Too little serotonin is associated with sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and depression. Some antidepressant drugs increase serotonin activity.

One of my favorite foods rich in seratonin is kefir.  Kefir is an ancient, cultured food containing amino acids, enzymes, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K and B vitamins.  Clinical studies have associated kefir with many beneficial effects including immune enhancement properties.  Kefir literally translates to ”feel good” in Turkish (the land of kefier’s origin).  The friendly flora, like lacto-bacillus and beneficial yeast help convert the tryptophan in milk to serotonin, the brain chemical that makes you happier.  I either make my own or buy mine at the farmer’s market.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter released into the synapse and bloodstream. However, certain foods cause serotonin to be released like candy, cereal and pasta. Anything with plenty of carbohydrates will increase serotonin levels. However, the effects won’t last long, maybe 2-3 hours.  One reason many people over eat carbohydrates is to achieve that temporary “happy” feeling that is produced.  However, overeating carbohydrates has MANY long term negative effects and is NOT recommended.

Chocolate, though, when eaten raw (unpasteurized and full of enzymes), is a great source of serotonin.

The Yoga of Nutrition

Yoga Retreats have become very popular in the last few years. This past weekend I was honored and delighted to be a presenter at the Texas Yoga Retreat. The three day retreat was held at the Radha Madhav Dham, a beautiful ashram and retreat facility located in the Austin Hill Country. It was a lovely fall day and I was thrilled to be getting out of town and driving out to the hill country.

The title of my presentation “The Yoga of Nutrition” is a topic that I live and breathe. Each presentation has it’s own natural rhythm, depending on the room energy, and the energy at the ashram was amazing. I always love seeing the people stream into the room at these events. There were a few fellow yoga teachers but most people were practitioners, all were eager to learn. I love the engagement when giving talks like this because I have the opportunity to learn as well.

At first I was anxious because my newly purchased adapter didn’t seem to work like it had at home. But with the help of several people, one gal said “it takes a village”…and she was right…we were up and running!

We discussed some of the ancient texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s. These books are respected and used for guidance in one’s yoga practice.

I am fascinated by all the references to food, nutrition and health found in these writings, and how relevant they are today. These are unchanging principles that are core to understanding health and well being.

One of the basic principles that relates to diet are the three gunas, which are attributes that are present in each person. The gunas vary in relative amounts. They can not be removed but can be changed.

nina beucler nutrition coach/health planner

They are known as Sattva, Raja, and Tamas

1.Sattva is the state of essence or purity
2.Raja is the state of activity
3.Tamas is the state of inertia

Using this yogic foundation, we discussed current knowledge of nutrition, such as proper food combining, understanding acid/alkaline balance, and how yoga and nutrition are connected.

To me, yoga and nutrition are totally intertwined. When we practice yoga, our awareness grows about the body and our overall health, and we naturally want to take better care of ourselves.

We’ve all heard the saying “we are what we eat”, right? In yogic philosophy we take that literally!  All things are infused and moved by Prana.  Prana is the sanskrit word for vital life. Prana suffuses all living forms.  Live foods such as raw vegetables are full of prana.

As we learn to eat healthier, live foods, full of phytonutrients and life giving qualities, we begin to shift. We make better choices, we feel better, have more clarity, and create more balance in our lives. Our compassion and empathy may grow. We can become more fully human.

Here is a link to the Texas Yoga Retreat 2011. There were many inspiring presenters at the retreat, check them out!  If you live in Austin and have never been to the Radha Madhav Dham, I suggest you take a drive out FM 1826 sometime and stroll the beautiful   grounds, commune with the peacocks, and consider attending next year!


Being Present is good Medicine

A picture I took of The Granite Dells.

Recently I took a trip back to my home town of Prescott, Arizona.  For a few special days I had the opportunity to see old friends, laugh a LOT, and remember some things that I love about the quaint town Prescott.  The stars (for starters), the Granite Dells…one of the largest outcroppings of granite in the world, streams running with water, lots of birds and other wildlife.  While Austin continued to bake away, and then sadly burn up, I was hiking in 80 degrees and wondering why I ever left Arizona!

As I departed and headed south for the inferno of Phoenix I knew that I was fortunate.  Friends and fond memories live on.

Great to share good food with friends.

My sister, Lisa,  had a total hip replacement last week and I went there to help her in her recuperation.  Her father in law was admitted into the hospital on the day she came home, so it was a good thing I was there! In four days I watched her go from absolute pain and needing assistance for her every move, to walking and doing her PT exercises quite well.  With each passing hour I could see the hope of living a pain free life return to her face…it was amazing!

In those days of caring for her it was chop wood, carry water.  Do what needs to be done.  I bought, prepared and fed her healthy, organic whole foods, gave lots of moral support and pep talks, and forgot about the outside world for awhile.

It was a loving exchange that will forever deepen our bond.

I headed home to by Beloved and to his open arms.  I knew that I would have yet another opportunity to live in the moment.  That is the gift of this trip–remembering what is important, telling the people that you love, that you love them, and recognizing just how lucky I am really am!

I love Costa Rica!

Recently a few girlfriends and I ventured to Costa Rica for a week. This was my third trip and each has been different from the previous. This was a “girls” trip where we read lots of books, had long leisurely meals filled with conversation and lots of laughter! Talk about relaxing! We stayed in a lovely home perched on the hillside above the ocean.
We didn’t raft any rivers, go to any yoga retreats, or take any trips up to volcanos (all of which I have done before.) We did however, explore the ocean with a day of snorkeling, and made a trip to the zipline another day. Both were fun and exhilarating!….but my favorite part of this trip was the harem of Howler Monkey’s that visited us the last day. On male and the rest were females of varying sizes and ages with lots of babies in tow!

Whatever the reason for visiting Costa Rica…GO! The people are so friendly, the scenery unbeatable, and the sound of the waves mesmerizing.

This trip was an important part of my Big Picture as I made time to spend with close friends and rejuvenate. Enjoying a long and healthy life is more eating well, it’s about nourishing ourselves on all levels. That’s what Big Picture Long Life is all about.


Found this great article on Huffington post today written by David Perlmutter, M.D.

Turn on the television, open a magazine or listen to the radio and in short order you will no doubt be exposed to an advertisement extolling the virtues of some newly discovered exotic fruit juice that has the highest antioxidant content on the face of the earth. You may wonder — why all the hype? What is the benefit of an antioxidant?
Antioxidants are chemicals that break down or neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals — chemicals produced as a byproduct of normal cellular metabolism. Under normal circumstances, there is a balance between the rate at which free radicals are produced and the rate at which they are eliminated by the action of antioxidants.

Read entire article